If you're looking for beginners Spanish because you want to teach yourself Spanish: congratulations!
You are doing an amazing thing for yourself, and you obviously make very good decisions.
The opportunities that learning Spanish provide are huge. Job opportunities open up for those who speak a second language. Hell, social opportunities open up for those who speak a second language!
One of the biggest benefits of speaking Spanish: the hundreds of cheap but amazing travel destinations that open up to you.
Must Read Before You Learn Spanish
But if your interest is in learning beginners Spanish, I'm glad I caught you now.
The reason is that most people who want to learn a second language go about it the completely wrong way.
They use the worst teaching methods, and as a result, they come to hate language learning.
Because they hate it, they don't pursue it.
And then they never learn any Spanish at all.
The Best Language Learning Method Is...
The truth is, your brain is already wired to learn a new language... if you feed it the right material, the right way.
In fact, you've already learned a language using this "preferred" method.
Don't believe me?
When you were a baby, you were brought into this world not speaking a single language. (Obvious.)
And your parents weren't able to put you through formal language learning classes. (Duh.)
But, miraculously, by age 2 you were speaking your first language conversationally.
But wait, how is that possible?
Simple: you went through a process called "immersion."
How Immersion Works
Your brain is designed to recognize patterns and solve them.
This is how we learn to do anything. And language learning is no exception.
Immersion is the process of surrounding yourself with the language as often as possible. Using this process, your brain picks up the patterns of the language, and essentially "solves" them subconsciously.
What this means is that surrounding yourself with a language is enough to teach it to yourself!
Of course, it's not enough to just hang out in Latin America for a couple months. As an adult, you need to follow a slightly different process to optimize it.
If you want to learn basic Spanish, your best bet is to listen to audio language learning programs in your car. These programs simply speak Spanish, and have you repeat it.
If you want to move beyond that, there are many ways to immerse yourself in the language that will slowly build up your abilities.
But start off small and you will make huge strides!
What To Do Next
Now you know HOW to learn beginners Spanish. Go out and take advantage of it!
Cheap travel, amazing food, wonderful people... No more excuses! Follow my advice and learn Spanish in just a few short weeks using the methods that researchers and thousands of others have proven to just WORK |
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