There are literally thousands of phrases you could learn in order to master Spanish, but there are only a few that you need to know in order to start having simple conversations in Spanish. In this article I will show you the 40 most useful Spanish phrases you need to learn, and how you can learn them in 3 days.
Day 1 - The basic greetings and introductory phrases
Hello - Hola
How are you? - Como estas?
I'm good, thanks - Bien, gracias
What's your name? Como te llamas?
My name is... - Me llamo...
Good morning/afternoon/night - Buenos dias/tardes/noches
Where do you live? - Donde vives?
I live in... - Vivo en...
Where are you from? De donde eres?
Goodbye - Adios
Please - Por favour
Thank you - Gracias
You're welcome - De nada.
Although this seems very basic, you should try and learn these useful Spanish phrases on the first day. Don't push yourself too much. After going through this once, you'll think "Yes, I know it; now give me some more". But you should revise it again. In fact, learn it so well, that if someone were to ask you "How do you say 'My name is' in Spanish?", you can give the answer immediately, without any hesitation.
Day 2 - Questions and statements
Where is..?. - Donde esta?
What time is it? - Que hora es?
What's the weather like? - Que tiempo hace?
Where can I buy...? - Donde puedo comprar...?
I would like to book a table - Quisiera reservar una mesa
There has been an accident - Ha habido un accidente
Where is the police station? - Donde esta la comisaria?
What's the weather like? - Que tiempo hace?
The weather is good - Hace buen tiempo.
After day 2, you should go back and revise work from both day 1 and day 2. When learning any language, revision is the key to retaining more of what you have learnt. Also, it actually speeds up the learning, as you are more 'comfortable' with what you have learnt, so can take in more information, and learn more useful Spanish phrases, more quickly.
Day 3 - Other useful Spanish phrases
Can you help me? - Puede ayudarme?
I don't understand - No entiendo
Do you speak English? - Hablas ingles?
How do you say ... in Spanish? - Como se dice ... en espanol?
Could you repeat, please? - Puede repetir , por favor?
I can't remember the word for... - No recuerdo la palabra por...
I'm sorry - Lo siento
Good luck - Buena suerte!
Useful Spanish phrases are the key to learning Spanish quickly. Instead of learning thousands of words individually, it is easier to learn them as parts of phrases - this helps you remember them more easily.
So, there you have it; 40 Useful Spanish Phrases which you can learn in under 3 days. Naturally, you could extend, this; if you learn 40 in 3 days, how many could you learn in a week? A month? 3 months? Click Here to see how you could learn to speak Spanish in under 8 weeks; this means not just learning useful Spanish phrases, but being conversational in less than 2 months. |
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