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Friday, November 28, 2008

Learn Spanish Grammar Online

By Will Brans

Learn Spanish grammar

If you want to learn Spanish grammar there are a lot of resources available to you. Many people in today's multilingual world have learned Spanish by being around friends or coworkers who are native Spanish speakers. Just like when you learned how to speak English fluently as a toddler and preschooler, you didn't really begin to learn about English grammar until you started school. Learning Spanish grammar is simply another part of learning the Spanish language. If you already know some conversational Spanish, learning Spanish grammar will help you understand why the language is structured in a certain way. Don't be surprised if the conversational Spanish you have been speaking doesn't necessarily follow the rules that you'll learn when you learn Spanish grammar. Just like most native English speakers don't use perfect grammar when speaking to our friends and family in casual conversation, neither do native Spanish speakers.

Although learning enough Spanish to have a casual conversation by taking traditional Spanish classes takes a long time, there is a lot of emphasis on learning Spanish grammar in a traditional classroom. If you think back to your high school years and the foreign language classes you took, such as Spanish, you probably remember a lot of time spent on conjugating verbs and other linguistics-based lessons. This is because the classic classroom approach to learning Spanish relies on not only teaching you how to speak the Spanish language but it helps you learn Spanish grammar and why the language is structured the way it is.

Learning Spanish grammar is helpful in a lot of ways. It helps you to not only communicate better with your Spanish-speaking friends and other native Spanish speakers, but it helps you to communicate better in a business environment. Many people are given the opportunity to advance in their careers if they can speak Spanish and have learned Spanish grammar. For example, if you work in the medical field, you may spend a lot of time speaking to patients, but you also need to communicate effectively and respectfully with the doctor. By learning Spanish grammar, you can do both of these with ease. Just like in English, there is a casual way to address someone as well as a more proper way. For example, you may greet a coworker by saying "Hey! What's up? Whatcha do this weekend?" You wouldn't speak to a doctor this way, but you can express the exact same friendly greeting by speaking more properly and with better grammar by saying "Good morning Doctor. How was your weekend?"

By learning Spanish grammar you can learn how to expand your conversational Spanish skills as well as learn how to speak effectively on a more professional level in your career.

If you need to learn Spanish fast, a Spanish grammar program may be a great option. Learn more about learning Spanish online here.

Doing an Intensive TEFL Course at Home Vs Abroad

By Sharon De Hinojosa

As more and more people are deciding to get their one month TEFL certification, people have to start considering WHERE they want to get it.

Studying at home

If you study at home, you'll already have access to housing, so you don't have to worry about packing everything you own into a suitcase just yet. You'll also be familiar with the area and language, so these are two less things that you have to worry about when studying. By doing so, you can focus your undivided attention on your TEFL Course. Total costs are often lower as you don't have to pay for airfare.

Disadvantages to studying at home might be costs as often course fees for overseas course are cheaper. But this is out weighted by the fact that you don't have to pay for airfare. Also, your course tutors might not know much about the country where you want to teach.

Studying Abroad

Many people who decide to study their course abroad, pick the country that they plan on teaching in. By doing so, they are able to learn from tutors who often have experience teaching in that country. They can be given advice about where to work as well as visa requirements. Housing costs are also often cheaper abroad than at home. And lastly, studying in the country where you are planning to live might be a good way to transition into this culture.

Having to deal with language can also be a disadvantage. Studying an intensive course is stressful enough, but having to deal with not knowing where anything is, about cultural customs, or the language just adds more stress. Having to find your way around and pick up a couple of phrases in the country's language in addition to studying just adds stress. Costs might also be higher as you will have to pay for airfare.

Abroad or At Home?

There are pros and cons about studying at home or abroad. Each person is different and you'll have to weigh the options and decide which is the best for you.

Sharon de Hinojosa (naturegirl321) has lived and worked (mainly teaching English) in the US, Scotland, Spain, the Czech Republic, China, Korea, and Peru. As well as teaching short-term in Venezuela and Taiwan.

She has created The LA Job List which lists schools, institutes and universities in 19 Latin American countries which offer English teaching positions.

Since living in Peru since August 2006, she wrote The Ultimate Peru List With 60 pages it's a comprehensive guide for those living in or moving to Peru.

How English As a Foreign Language Exams Affect EFL Learners and What to Do About It

By Larry M. Lynch

What Affects English as a Foreign Language Learners During Exams

Lina Maria Lopez* squirmed in her seat for the fiftieth time, scratched her scalp until it was nearly raw and sighed repeatedly. A mechanical pencil in one hand and a bright red lollipop in the other, she struggled abysmally with her final exam in English as a foreign language. Only in her second semester of English, the "lights" still hadn't "clicked on" yet. Not a good university student across the board in her major, English as a foreign language was still her worst subject. She gazed around the room, at other learners' papers, at the EFL teacher and reluctantly, at her EFL test paper.

"Tap, tap, tappity, tap, tap". Luis Felipe Rodriguez* drummed on the desk, tapped his well-worn sneakers, hummed a Salsa beat and turned around to look behind him at the poster-plastered classroom wall for "inspiration". "Da, da, dada, da, da - dat, dat dada, dum." His English as a Foreign Language level two exam paper was still nearly blank. More than half the final exam allotted time had already passed. It he failed this exam too, he'd almost surely have to repeat the English level next semester. It had already taken him an extra semester just to get this far. "What time is it?" he asked the teacher. But, it really didn't matter.

The Functional Needs of the Brain

EFL teachers should know that the human brain needs three key elements to function at peak efficiency. These are: oxygen, water (fluids) and sugar (preferably from complex carbohydrates). Both immediately before and during an exam, it's not uncommon to see English as a Foreign Language learners eating chocolate, hard candy, lollipops or even packets of raw sugar. I draw the line at chewing gum, largely due to its "tendency to wind up" stuck under the desks. It's because of the brain's need for sugars that I allow "eating" of high-carbohydrate and high sugar content "foods" before, during English as a foreign language exams.

Some Causes of Cheating on English as a Foreign Language Exams

When EFL learners openly or frequently "cheat" on exams, highly probable "causes" are typically one or more of these motivation-related factors which include:

• Lack of English as a foreign language grammar and theme study

• Poor English class attendance

• Failure to understand or apply English as a foreign language skills promoted in class

• Insufficient English as a foreign language skills practice / repetition to successfully internalize the skills and materials

• Ineffectively focused teaching methods

• Deficiency in English language classroom materials

• "Chemical addiction/dependency" problems (i.e., caffeine, nicotine, etc.)

• Personal or family problems

• Not taking English as a foreign language studies seriously enough

• Poor language-learning aptitude

• Learning disabilities

• Lack of sufficient or effective English as a foreign language learning preparation resources

This is certainly but a "partial" list of the possibilities. These can affect not only English as a foreign language skills development, but the overall intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of the EFL learners.

EFL Teacher-Affective Factors

Then, of course, as English as a foreign language teachers, we often endure a multitude of additional factors which directly or indirectly impact and affect the intrinsic / extrinsic motivation of our EFL learners. How many of you, for example, are negatively impacted by:

• Large EFL learner class groups

• An excessively low number of English as a foreign language contact hours per week

• Behavioral problems on the part of your English as a foreign language learners

• Excessive administrative demands

• Lack of resources, equipment and / or materials

• Extremes of mixed ability in English language knowledge and skills among your EFL learners

• Lack of sufficient, on-going governmental, administrative, or parental support

• Personal problems of your own

Certainly, the list could go on, but you get the point, don't you?

What Can You Do, If Anything?

In upcoming article posts in this series, we'll continue to consider some possibilities which English as a foreign language teachers and EFL learners have available to address, minimize or eliminate many of the aforementioned intrinsic and extrinsic affective factors. Doing so will undoubtedly improve our EFL learners' motivation. With these incorporated into our curriculum and daily schedules, we should be able to generate some improvement and more success in our EFL classrooms and our English as a foreign language learners themselves.

Prof. Larry M. Lynch is an EFL Teacher Trainer, Intellectual Development Specialist, author and speaker. He has written ESP, foreign language learning, English language teaching texts and hundreds of articles used in more than 125 countries worldwide. Get your FREE, pdf format report on CD or via e-mail, "Creative, Dynamic Ways to Motivate and Teach English as a Foreign Language to Diverse Groups of Reluctant Learners" by requesting the title at:

Five Tips For Choosing a Spanish Language School

By Kyle W Bumpus

Many people simply can't get the idea out of their head they need a class to learn Spanish, and that's fine. Self-study simply isn't for everyone. Enrolling in a Spanish language class is something even most self-taught Spanish speakers will do eventually, if only to polish off their skills towards the end of the learning process.

Unlike studying the language at home, however, language schools are without exception an expensive proposition. There's simply no way around the need to spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars. With so much at stake, here more than anywhere else it's important to make sure you get good value for your money. Here are some guidelines to follow when you're thinking of enrolling in a Spanish language school.

  1. It's In A Spanish-Speaking Country - Sure you could take classes in your home-town, but they wouldn't be half as effective as taking them abroad. At home, your lesson is over when you leave the classroom. Abroad, however, every interaction you have with practically anybody is part of your Spanish curriculum. Your teacher can show you how to conjugate a verb in the past tense, but only using those verbs time and time again will cement the concept in your brain and make the conjugation automatic. The benefits of being immersed in the language and culture you're studying are immeasurable. So great are these benefits that even most self-taught students will want to spend at least a few weeks abroad to polish off their skills. Booking a two-week language-school vacation is the ideal way to do that.
  2. The Teachers Are All Native Speakers - Even if you can't afford to stu

    dy a few weeks abroad, you should never, under any circumstances, take spanish lessons or enroll in a spanish class taught by a non-native speaker. Even if the non-native is an excellent speaker of the language and gifted instructor, you won't have the advantage of learning the proper accent or colloquial usages. There are so many native spanish-speaking teachers around that this shouldn't be a difficult requirement to fulfill.

  3. Small Class Sizes - In general, the smaller the class size the better. Most reputable spanish schools around the world try to limit their group classes to a maximum of 6 students, with some being even smaller. Anything larger than 8 students, however, and it will be impossible for them to give you the individual attention you need to really learn the language. If the school offers one-on-one lessons and you don't mind the extra cost, even better.

  4. At Least Two Hours Of Instruction Per Day - Two hours is a bare minimum here. If you're studying less than that per day, it's hardly worth the trouble of getting on a plane. The benefit you get out of your studies is directly proportional to the work you put in. If you really want to learn the language, you'll have to study. A lot.

  5. Free Cultural Excursions - Many of the better schools provide free cultural excursions to interesting cultural landmarks around town. Sometimes, these freebies even include dance lessons, cooking lessons, or any number of fun activities related to Spanish culture. Taking advantage of these opportunities gives you even more opportunities to practice.

Follow these five tips to increase the chances of finding a good school. Nothing will ruin your trip faster than finding out you were ripped off, paying outrageous prices for subpar instruction.

Want to learn to speak Spanish but don't know which program is best? Visit and check out my Spanish Pimsleur and Rosetta Stone Spanish product reviews to make an informed decision.

How Can I Learn Spanish Fast?

By Jack Jimmy

If you are interested in learning Spanish you would no doubt want to know how you can learn it quickly. There are some ways to learn this language fast and this article would show you some of them.

The first way to do so is by hiring a private tutor and the reason why this method is good is because as long as you get a tutor who is certified he or she would most likely know ways for you to be able to learn this language in the shortest possible time, the only issue with this method is that hiring a private tutor can be very expensive in some places and it might not be that easy for you to be able to find a good private tutor depending on where you live.

Another good way is to go a local college and take a course in Spanish, you can let them know that you would like to learn the language as soon as possible. Some colleges might have ways you can use to fast track the learning of this language. The good thing about this method is that if you go to a good college you know that you are receiving one of the best training possible as colleges usually try to use the methods that would make it easy for you to learn this language. The not so good thing about this method is that it requires you have time to go to a college.

But if you really want to do it fast and you want to do it on your own, you can use a language learning software. Most of them just require a one time fee after which you can download it to your computer and use it whenever you want and wherever you want.

There is a good software you can use to learn Spanish fast and if you would like to find out more about this software you can do so by Clicking Here Now

You can also find out more about this software by visiting this website:

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Teaching English As a Foreign Language - A Way to Help Eliminate Stereotypes

By Larry M. Lynch

The Stereotyped American in English Language Learning

What do your EFL learners think off when they hear the term "American". Unless you're an American, in all probability many images that will come to mind will not be positive ones. Other images, like the recent election of Barack Obama as America's first Black President will be the opposite.

During an introductory class in American History, an American instructor wanted to illustrate what stereotypes are and the prejudices that Swedes and other nationalities have about the United States. So first, her Swedish students were asked to, during one minute, write down what they though about when they heard "The U.S". A lot of people thought of fast food, Bush, Starbucks, CSI, FBI, NRA, fat people, and according to their teacher, Swedes also think Americans have ugly hairstyles. This according to a blog post "The Stereotyped American" by The Norrlander on her blog.

What is a Stereotype?

Webster's New World Dictionary defines stereotype as, "a fixed or conventional notion or conception, as of a person, group, idea, etc. Held by a number of people and allowing for no individuality; critical judgment of people". In other words, it's when you pre-judge people based solely on their nationality, race, religion, language, sex or other extraneous factors.

Concerning American stereotypes, it cuts both ways. Americans have stereotypes of many different language and ethnic or religious groups. Can you imagine the American stereotypes of Muslims, Arabs, Africans, Mexicans and Latin Americans, Russians, Scandinavians, East Indians, Eastern Europeans and the Chinese? Trust me, you don't want to know.

Not all Americans are bound by stereotypes, of course. But far too many are and it's distasteful either way. The phrase "Ugly American" is based in part on real behavior and real actions of real Americans. These "stereotypes" simply do not represent all of us. Do your learners watch "The Simpsons", "Weed" or even "CSI"? Not just television, but Hollywood and its movies play a dramatic role in fostering some highly unwelcomed stereotypes among English as a foreign language learners. What stereotypes are fostered by these and numerous other television programs broadcast worldwide?

"We see all kinds of "crazy" things from America on TV here (in Sweden), so that is obviously an important factor of how we see Americans. Also, we don't really like Bush here, and I think his politics also have made us distrust America", comments The Norrlander.

In an added comment on stereotyped Americans Joyce said, "Do you think the Swedes have a bad impression of Americans? I guess I would blame the media for that. I bet some countries think that we all ride horses, have gun battles in the streets and fight Indians." While Americans, of course, no longer all ride horses, there are, unfortunately, still "gun battles in the streets" if you believe American television.

Ask Your English as a Foreign Language Learners

Try this out on your English as a foreign language learners. Ask them what thoughts and images come to mind when they hear the term "Americans" or "The USA". Perhaps you'll be more than a bit surprised at their responses. Then, if YOU are an American or at least have an intimately detailed knowledge of the United States, it's history and culture, your work will be cut out for you. You are then charged with the responsibility of altering perceived stereotypes with factual input and information. As the Norrlander comments again, "It's quite intersting actually to think about how you view other people."

After all I say, a great part of foreign language learning is the culture, isn't it? So get to it then, and be sure to have some fun with it too.

Prof. Larry M. Lynch is an EFL Teacher Trainer, Intellectual Development Specialist, prolific writer, expert author and public speaker. He has written ESP, foreign language learning, English language teaching texts and hundreds of articles used in more than 135 countries. Get your FREE E-book, "If You Want to Teach English Abroad, Here's What You Need to Know" and English language teaching and learning information at:

Need a blogger or copywriter to promote your school, institution, service or business or an experienced writer and vibrant SEO content for your website, blog or newsletter? Contact the author at the above blog address for more information.

How to Choose a Spanish Learning Program

By Kyle W Bumpus

With so many costly Spanish language programs out there, how do you know which are the real deal and which are a waste of cash? That's an excellent question. The Spanish program you choose has a direct impact on how well you eventually learn the language. Choose wisely and it's smooth sailing. Choose unwisely, however, and you've just wasted a nice chunk of change. Here are a few things to look out for in a good Spanish audio program.

  1. Primarily Audio-Based - The best Spanish programs are predominantly audio-based. Some of them, such as Pimsleur, go further still and don't include a book at all. The point is, you absolutely cannot learn Spanish, or any language for that matter, without hearing it spoken. Thirty hours of audio would be an absolute minimum but the more the merrier. Programs like Pimsleur and FSI fit the bill in this arena.

  2. Plenty Of Drills - There are no shortage of claims about magical products that can supposedly teach you the language without work, memorization, or grammar drills. If you don't want to waste your hard-earned money, ignore those claims. When learning a language, there is simply no substitute for repetitive drilling. Yes, drills can be boring but the best programs, like Pimsleur and Rosetta Stone, cleverly structure the drills to minimize the pain. A program without drills may be a lot less work, but it will inevitably be a lot less effective, as well.

  3. Keeps Grammar In Its Place - Grammar is extremely important to eventually mastering the Spanish language, but it's not the most important thing by a long shot. The ideal Spanish learning program would teach you to speak a certain way because it just sounds correct, not by following complex grammar rules. Introducing too many grammar rules too soon has a nasty way over over-complicating things, impeding the learning process.

My two favorite Spanish learning programs share all these characteristics. The Pimsleur Spanish and FSI Spanish programs focus on drills, repetition, and oral skills more than grammar rules or written translation. If you're serious about learning the language, you won't go too far wrong with either of those fine programs.

Want to learn to speak spanish? Check out my Spanish Pimsleur and Spanish FSI reviews and make an informed decision.

Learning English Online

By Amit Salkar

There are many ways in which you can learn the English language online. Learning English online is of great help especially for people who wants to go abroad for the sake of their studies or for their jobs. There are many ways in which you can study English. But the online courses which have emerged are of great help since they offer comprehensive courses. In these courses the beginner gets to know about the basics of the language and can analyze the language with the skills imparted to them by online tutorials. Therefore in recent times, most people prefer the online courses than the rest.

*Get help from tutors: The best way to study English is to take the help of tutors who teach English. They will come to your house and teach you. From some experienced people you can take help and study the language in the best way.

*Watching foreign movies (English) helps a lot: Another way in which one can grasp the language is by watching the English movies. When you see the people in the movie expressing their emotions in some foreign language then you will gradually learn that language (English here) very easily.

*Story book is recommended by online English tutorials: Reading a lot of story books can help. This is because of the fact that when you are truing to read anything in a foreign language (and especially a story), then it is extremely easy to learn that language. Reading story books is also recommended by the online English tutorials.

*Recommended newspaper reading: Reading newspaper is also of great help since you get to know about the world and also your own country from the newspaper. It is much like thinking in English, a foreign language. When you start thinking in English you will learn this language very quickly.

*Exams help to understand where you stand: Give exams in English. Online courses offer this help and you can actually test your skills and the knowledge that you have obtained so long by giving the test. The online schools actually offer these tests. When you give the test then you get to know more about the language.

*Language skills are polished and sharpened: Pronunciation and language skills: when you study in an online school you get a clear idea about the language and the pronunciations. In English pronunciations are of great importance. When you study from an online school, your language skills are polished and sharpened.

Learning English - helps you to Learn English online and experience what many other students have come to discover. It's like nothing else you have ever tried, offering live online English conversation in real time with a fully qualified tutor. Book your lesson today!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Rocket Spanish - The Honest Review of Rocket Spanish Course

By Victor Emmanuel

The best product which is unique and interesting is nothing but Rocket Spanish. This particular course has been the overwhelming choice of many would-be Spanish speakers, especially for its low price. While this may seem to be the case, this article will try to show the truth about Rocket Spanish by providing an honest opinion about whether it's worth your money and time.

When you first arrive on the Rocket Spanish product site you are presented with a pair of options. You have the option to purchase a downloadable digital version or have a physical copy shipped to your door. As of today, the physical version of Rocket Spanish is sold for $299 in addition of $49.95 for shipping. You can get a copy of digital instantly via their instant download service, and for only $99 -- 1/3 of the original price. I encourage you to get the digital version because it gives you access to the lessons instantly. Since we have understand the two choices, it's time to discuss the course itself!

If you don't have a lot of time and are trying to master a new language, you would likely choose an easy program that allows you to proceed at a speed you are comfortable with. This is a positive feature of Rocker Spanish. You will have up-to-the-minute access to games and audio lessons given step by step. I have to add that the games are a great addition. Learning Spanish becomes hands-on and exciting!

The audio lessons are presented in friendly, easy-to-understand voices, so you can follow them at ease. They are clear and succinct so you are able to understand the basics of the language right from the start. You can also download the audio lessons onto your mp3 or CD player so that you can listen to them while you are working out or just kicking back on the couch.

There are also more than five hundred pages of material. These pages contain the critical aspects of the course and though it is lengthy, it is easily understood. There is such a large quantity of material that you are able to print them out and learn them at the rate that is best for you. Pronunciation skills are often not emphasized in traditional Spanish classes but they are really highlighted here. You may find this very useful.

Other exercises and a memory game known as MegaCards are also included. Here you can practice what you've just learned before using it in the real world. The most productive way to use Rocket Spanish is to play the audio lessons, read the written materials and also do the assignments before you try to speak the language. You'll know you're getting comfortable with basic Spanish grammar and vocabulary when you no longer need to repeatedly refer to the materials.

The most effective way to learn Spanish involves immersion in a Spanish-speaking environment, but if that's possible for you, Rocket Spanish is truly the fastest and easiest alternative for you to gain command of the language for use in your everyday life. Rocket Spanish could be the answer if you are struggling with Spanish in school, need it for business, or just want to learn Spanish for pleasure.

To learn more why Rocket Spanish is by far the most comprehensive Learn Spanish Course available and thoroughly deserves its excellent reputation and value for money, go over to my Rocket Spanish Review blog.

The Different Ways to Learn English - UK

By Michael Novik

Learning another language is a recognized skill and ability that many aim for. Being bilingual or multilingual has its numerous benefits not only for personal gains but also professionally.

English is one of the languages most desired by many. English has global recognition and significance so the demand for English education has increased over the recent years. Because of this great demand for high quality English education, there has also been an increase in the ways people can learn English UK in different ways. Let us take a look at each method and also see how each one has its own advantages and disadvantages.

A. Learn English UK Through a UK-Based School

Advantages: Studying English in an English or UK-based school is probably the best option for anyone who wants to become better or to be proficient in English. The environment as well as the instructors for English classes are considered top rate. Being in the UK is also an added factor because those who study English as a second language will also have a complete English environment.

Disadvantages: One disadvantage to this is that you, of course, have to be located in the UK. If you are not based in the UK, then, you have to consider board and lodging or overseas study.

B. Learn English (UK) Through the Internet

Advantages: One advantage to learning English through the internet is that you need not be literally in the UK. There are many distance learning centers which offer complete or per-level English courses to those in many countries. If you have a computer and an internet connection, then, you can conveniently acquire English education without spending much and even without leaving home. Also, you can choose many different courses without having to think of time and distance as a problem because many courses are flexible.

Disadvantages: Studying through the internet requires you to search for schools which are accredited and those which offer quality education. If you are looking for reputable online schools, then, the best advice would be to search and scout around first to look for the best online schools and the perfect English course for you.

C. Learn English UK Through Self-Study

Advantages: Any kind of self-study gives you sufficient flexibility with regards to time, materials, and even study pacing. You can advance through the different levels based on your own development. Also, self-study is always cheaper than enrolling in campus-based school or an online school.

Disadvantages: You need to have a lot of self-discipline if you want to self-study. Self-discipline to follow your schedule, to set specific time slots for studying, and to advance your English level. Also, you need to have a steady source of good materials which you can use.

Mike Novik provides how-to advice on small business and home-based work issues. He helps small businesses reach their fullest potential. His recommendation for to-day is to visit English courses UK and Learn English UK

How to Learn a Foreign Language Tips

By George Sandler

While you need not put in more than 45 minutes learning the language in one session, try to accommodate all the extra time you have in your hands.

Split your study up into several small sessions. Attend classes regularly, if you want to pass the course and you are serious about the language. Evaluate your past learning regularly for your own benefit, for example check out the vocabulary. Here are some ideas to make the learning of different sections of a foreign language course simpler.

Grasping the written words: Check out only those words where no conjecture can help or whose meanings can not be surmised. Glance through the text book chapters every day taking one small section at a time.

Communicating: Do not be afraid of making mistakes, listen carefully to your classmates and speak up! You can start practicing the foreign language by talking to your self, talking to others who are in the same class or even with your pet dog or cat.

Scribbling: Know how to pen down ideas everyday till it comes naturally to you. Follow a dictation of the language and check how much of it you have written correctly.

Some Assorted helps: Develop a Good Attitude, have reasons and goals for studying the foreign language. Make sure you are fully aware of what your goals are and how to reach there.

1. If you need help get it and do not be afraid to ask questions or ask for help for fear of sounding stupid, or being embarrassed. There is nothing to feel embarrassed when you need help or have questions in your mind.

2. Get audio tapes of the language and listen to them or make you own tapes and listened to yourself in order to perfect your pronunciation. The only way you can have correct pronunciation is to listen to audio tapes of the language or record something yourself and then listen to them.

3. For building your vocabulary, try using flash cards which are made of different colors denoting genders or nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.

4. If you study in groups you can also access help from your classmates.

Visit and learn how to speak Spanish online easy.

Spell Better by Using These Spelling Strategies

By Celia Webb

Spelling English words can be challenging. Schools and businesses expect correct spelling. The better your spelling skills are, the more likely you are to do well in communicating your ideas whether you write scholarly papers, articles, or advertisements.

Apply these simple strategies to improve your spelling skills.

Use mnemonics. Mnemonics are rhymes or phrases which make memorization easier. A common spelling mnemonic is "i before e, except after c or when sounded as a as in neighbor and weigh". You can make up your own mnemonic for any word you find difficult or for remembering other spelling rules.

Say it right. Many of us get a little lazy in our everyday conversations and do not pronounce words properly. For instance, it is fairly common to drop the "g" at the end of the "-ing" suffix. So running becomes "runnin". While people will understand what you mean, if you spell the word the way you say it, you would be incorrect. Be sure you pronounce a word correctly and you are more likely to get the spelling correct as well.

Play word games. Improve your spelling skills by playing fun word games. Word searches, hangman, crosswords, Scrabble, and other word puzzles reinforce spelling skills. You can buy books which contain collections of word puzzles or search the internet on any of the games mentioned here.

Research. There are two areas you can research which will give you excellent practice material. Search the internet for "spelling lists". Download those that interest you and use them to learn how to spell new words. The other area to search is for Latin and Greek roots, prefixes, and suffixes. More words in the English language are based on these two languages than are based on Old English! Learning the Latin and Greek roots and affixes (prefixes and suffixes) will increase your spelling skills tremendously.

Know which word you are spelling. Many "spelling" errors are actually problems with selecting the correct word. Homonyms are often the culprits. Homonyms are words that are spelled differently but sound the same (homophones) or words which are spelled the same but have different meanings and different pronunciations (homographs). One of the most commonly confused group of homonyms is their, they're, and there. Spend time reviewing the most commonly misused words. Make sure you clearly understand when to use each word and what its meaning is.

You can be a better speller. Faithfully practice every day using one or more of the spelling strategies presented here. You will very quickly see your spelling is improving.

Celia Webb, President of Pilinut Press, Inc., publishers of advanced readers for children and ESL students. Check out for more free articles on developing reading-related skills, word games and puzzles, and activity sheets for the company's entertaining and educational books.

Friday, November 14, 2008

You Can Learn French in Under Three Months - A Great Tool For Traveling!

By Lynn Halladay

Have you decided on learning French? If so, there are a few tips that will make things much easier for you. Here are a few of the best ones to help you make the learning process more exciting and to assist you in grasping the language much more easily.

No matter why you're thinking about picking up French, you probably feel just a little bit intimidated. Most of the students we talk to feel like the journey is impossible, and that it'll take them years to learn to speak this new language.

The good news is that this doesn't have to be the case. While many courses and schools do still use outdated methods that make learning a new language seem a lot more like a chore, there are also some great self study courses out there. They use a wider variety of methods, developed by psychologists, to help you reduce the time and effort it takes to learn a new language.

While you might be thinking about enrolling in a course at a school or hiring a tutor, remember that these might not give you the kinds of results you want. That's because most classes have too much of a focus on reading and writing, and not enough on speaking.

Since most students' biggest goal is actually speaking French, this fact can be pretty frustrating. That means that one of the best choices is finding a self study program that allows you to learn on your own, and focuses on teaching you conversational French.

Here are a few tips to make your learning experience even better.

1) Remember what your mom said and be sure to listen

It really is amazing how much information you'll pick up about another language just by listening to it. Even though you might not understand everything, there's still an enormous benefit from listening to other people talk in French. You'll understand the flow of the language much better and gradually pick up structure and new terms.

Watching French movies with subtitles in English is another smart idea. This method allows you to listen to the language while reading the meaning, and eventually absorb the French words.

In fact, one student once downloaded an entire season of a television series in French. She watched them all, and by the end had improved her skills significantly. She even picked up some interesting nuances and had a good grasp of slang.

2) Practice but don't practice too much

You've probably heard that practice makes perfect, and this is true in many situations. However, one of the big reasons that people give up on learning French is because it begins to feel boring and like a chore.

You'll need to vary how you practice, and make sure you do what's needed to keep up your levels of motivation. It's not a good idea to set a strict schedule to learn by unless that's the way you learn best. Try to include a little French every day, in some form, instead.

That allows you to engage in the language without feeling restricted by a particular schedule.

3) Vary your practice and mix things up

Remember that while you want to include some French in your daily routine, you don't want to do the same thing and bore yourself. That means you should mix up what you do and when.

Put on a television or radio show in French, do a lesson from your course, or talk with a French speaking friend or neighbor. If you read the newspaper, choose a few paragraphs and think about the best way to translate them into French.

There are many different ways to engage with this language.

Truly learning the language requires you to vary how you learn and use different parts of your brain to learn faster. You'll retain more information and pick up the language much more quickly.

That's why some online study courses have been so successful. They do a wonderful job of providing a good variety of material. That keeps students interested and helps them get the right kind of stimulation.

If you're learning French, it shouldn't have to feel like a full time job. If you go about it correctly, it can actually be exciting and fun. Find the right course of study, follow the tips here and stick with it, and you'll be speaking the language in no time.

Click Here to learn how to start a free trial of the top-ranked self-study French program online.

It`s a great way to learn to speak French on your own without having to pay for any expensive lessons!

The Best Way to Learn How to Speak Italian

By Jack Jimmy

Italian is a language that is spoken by more than 60milion people and if you are someone who is interested In learning how to speak it you would most likely what to know what the best is to do so. The good news though is that there are several good ways to learn this language and this article would show you some of them.

The thing you need to understand is that there is really no one way which is the best way to learn how to speak this language and the reason is that why you want to learn and how much of it you want to learn is what determines what would be the best way to learn this language. For instance if you are looking to learn this language because you would soon be moving to a country where Italian is the primary language or because you need it for your job, the best way would probably be for you to go to a college to learn this language

if you are just looking to learn it because you like Italian or because you have friends or family who speak Italian and you like to be able to communicate with them, the best way would probably be to get someone who is really good in this language to teach you or you can teach yourself using a language learning software or using audio tapes which you can get online.

All in all, good ways to learn how to speak Italian include using a language learning software, going to a college to learn it or getting someone to teach you. The best way really depends on why you want to learn it and how well you want to learn it.

You can learn how to speak Italian using a software known as Rocket Italian and if you would like to find out more about it you can do so by Clicking Here Now

Tips on How to Motivate Your English Language Learners to Study ESL

By Dorit Sasson

Rod Ellis defines motivation as referring to "the efforts which learners put into learning an L2 as a result of their need or desire to learn" (1995).

The two main types of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic, can affect the learning process. Intrinsic motivation is task motivation that derives from an inherent interest in the learning tasks while extrinsic motivation refers to the external influences that affect the strength of learner's motivation such as that which comes from teachers and parents.

While some students have their own intrinsic motivation or external motivation, other students need to be motivated to learn. There are many things that you can do as a teacher in order to motivate students to learn. These strategies are based on various articles I have read below.

Students are more likely to want to learn when they appreciate the value of the classroom activities, and when they believe that they will succeed if they apply reasonable effort. Hence, "student motivation to learn is an acquired competence developed through general experiences but stimulated most directly through modeling, communication of expectations, and direct instruction or socialization by significant others - especially teachers and parents" (Brophy, p.40) When it comes to lower performing learners, teachers realize that such learners are accustomed to experiencing failure, hence, the teacher's task is to help them experience success.

Here are some strategies and tips that may motivate students and stimulate them to learn.

  • Provide a supportive environment and establish a trusting bond. "Motivation is the feeling nurtured primarily by the teacher in the learning situation" (Ellis, 1994). Greet your students, interact with them, indicate a personal concern about them as individuals.

  • Cater levels of activity to students' level - try and make sure that the learning tasks pose a reasonable challenge to the students - neither too difficult nor too easy.

  • Help students recognize links between effort outcome - learning is a long term plan of effort and investment.

  • Break down learning steps into digestable pieces.

  • Minimize student's performance anxiety during learning activities.

Articles on Motivating Students

Brophy, J. Synthesis of Research for Motivating Students to Learn. Educational Leadership, Oct. 1987. p.40-48. (article summary)

Ellis, R. (1994) The Study of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

For more tips and links on ESL and to sign-up for your FREE ebook "Taking Charge in the Classroom" visit The New Teacher Resource Center at When you do, you'll also receive a FREE bimonthly Ezine containing tips, news and information. My special report on differentiated instruction is now available at:

Dorit Sasson is an ESL instructor at CCAC Allegheny College in Pittsburgh, PA. She is the creator of the New Teacher Resource Center.

Language Translation Services - Are We Asking Too Much?

By Charles Tao

A couple of days ago, a generic term of a contract peeved me while I was engaged in translating it into Chinese for there was not a counterpart in Chinese vocabulary as far as I know. Therefore I put it into the search engine of a language translation service which immediately stepped out several lexical items and I chose the closest according to the context. It is something I try not to do too much thinking if there is a valuable resource available and language translation services just play this role.

Once click the mouse to search the services or applications of language translation, one may find thousands of relative items. Baidu, Google, yahoo, etc. are big names of translation services. Chinese to English, Chinese to German, Chinese to Spanish or vice versa, you name it, they have it. The information they provide is amazing, too. One can find the original meaning of a word as well as its derivative meanings in a few seconds which just like an encyclopedia. One thing I appreciate very much is the function of prompting words. People like me, are apt to forget the complete spelling of words if they are not occasionally used. What I need is to input the beginning alphabets and select the right one. It is really helpful.

However, there is not always good news; just every coin has two side language translation services have shortcomings as well. Mostly, I enjoy the convenience and pleasure they bring to me. From a single word to a sentence, even the whole article, just waiting a few seconds, the result is appeared. It sounds amazing, right? However, when I look into the corresponding translation, it really depresses me because the translation of the whole sentence looks like a sequence of haphazard codes without logic, not to mention the translation of a paragraph.

This reminds me of the period when nearly everyone was annoyed by the 8000 words graduation thesis and its fussy format. The first step of us to do was to collect useful information through the internet. Inevitably, some of the information was written in Chinese and this was the golden opportunity of the application of language translation services. A classmate of mine even adopted the total corresponding translation without doing a little readjustment and handed it to his tutor. It would surely save time and energy for at least he didn't need to type the thesis letter by letter. Just imagine the result! He was forced to rewrite his thesis from the very beginning and had to say a lot of good words to beg his tutor to give him another chance.

I do not think this phenomenon only exists in such a small sphere. Walking in the street, one can find various logos and signboards written in English while some of them make me both annoying and funny occasionally which are idiomatical Chinglish. The inaccuracy can be found in grammar, syntax, collocation, etc and the trace of copying directly from the language translation services is obvious. Of course, no one has rights to ask the others not to make mistakes. But it is the responsibility of everyone to make things which are showed to the public correctly.

Here are my guidelines to language translation services: take them just as information providers and do not let them overwhelm my own thinking. A passage or a translation is the creation of one's hardworking. I am seeking delights by writing something, in other words, it fulfills some of my pursuits in the process of writing. I do appreciate the good points that language translation services provide. Since translation is viewed as recreation, just use our own mind to decide how to compose it rather than mechanically copying.


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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Take an English Course in England, and Learn the English Way

By James Ong-Fox

There are destinations all across England in which a student can travel to to attend an English Course. This article aims to help a student considering attending an English Course to choose which destination in which to learn.

England's history provides an excellent opportunity for international students attending an English course to learn and enrich their knowledge of English Culture and History. English history is truly diverse; as it consists of ruling Monarchies from across Europe, including the Romans, the Normans and the Vikings. Therefore, considering its diverse history, any international students considering attending an English Course in England will be openly welcomed as the English are accustomed to newcomers in their land. The historical landmarks within England (such as Stonehenge, Big Ben and the Tower of London) are intriguing and highly educational. For an international student attending an English Course in England, having access to such cultural and educational places it will not only improve their knowledge of the English language and culture but also assist their studies on their English Course. To have the experience of visiting these places also enables a student to discuss the place to which they went during their English Course in England.

Attending an English Course in England means an international student has the opportunity to learn and perfect their English language knowledge in the language's native environment.

England's massive tourist industry is also accommodating towards international students and provides a large range of exciting and interesting things to do for someone attending an English course. Places such as London, Salisbury and Eastbourne are known for their tourist attractions and these places are definitely great places to attend an English Course.

Last bat not least, by attending and English Course at an English School provides students with the opportunity to make new friends.

I hope this article proves useful to any students considering attending an English Course in England. I strongly recommend England as an excellent destination where a student can not only have fun but also learn whilst studying on their English Course.

3rd November 2008 James Ong-Fox

James Ong-Fox is an experienced worldwide traveller, currently working in TWIN GROUP marketing department, a leading company in education and training. Twin Group offers English courses in London, Eastbourne, and Salisbury

Internships in the UK, summer vacation courses, group travel programmes, language courses worldwide and work & volunteer programmes abroad.

What it Takes to Learn Basic Spanish Online

By B Matheson

Thanks to major advances made in technology and Internet connection speeds we do a lot more then just send and read email over the web. There are sites popping up all over the web that will help you learn to speak a new language, play a musical instrument and even run a business.

So what does it take to learn basic Spanish over the Internet? That's the focus of this article.

Using What's out there for Free

There's a wealth of free material on the web, and if you're just looking to get the basics down you can likely do so without having to spend a buck of your own money.

First stop should be either Google video or YouTube. Both of these websites are adding new videos daily. Do a search for "Spanish lessons" or "learn Spanish". On either site you'll get several videos pop up.

I suggest using videos because this is the new medium of the web, how ever there are some audios you can use as well.

To find free audios to learn basics Spanish phrases from do a search for "learn Spanish podcasts". I've come across a few in different news letters and on podcast and audio book educational websites.

While it might take some time searching for videos and audios that are free it's worth it once you find them.

What about learning Conversational and Advanced Spanish?

If you're goal is to become conversational with a second language such as Spanish then using the free tutorials and tools available online might take some time to piece together a worth while lesson plan shall we call it.

Instead it might be worth the investment of a few bucks in a quality learn to speak Spanish software package.

These, like websites, are popping up all over the place as well. How ever it's important not to just grab any old software program that says it's going to teach you to speak Spanish.

Often times these programs are just as confusing as using the free materials available online.

Use this basic list to find a good software product to learn the basics of Spanish.

1.) Does it teach you every day phrases and important words, rather then a big vocabulary

2.) Does the program teach you pronunciation (does it offer speech recognition).

3.) Does the program go from beginner to advanced lessons

All three of the points made above are important to consider before you buy a piece of software to ensure that you're getting your money's worth.

The most important of all being that the software package teaches you everyday phrases and worth while vocabulary from the Spanish language.

To many programs and websites concentrate on teaching you hundreds of words, how ever you never learn how to piece them all together into phrases and sentences that you can speak to another native Spanish speaking individual.

For a fantastic learn to speak Spanish software package consider Tell Me More Spanish. It offers lessons from beginner to advanced, and a cutting edge speech recognition feature. Read more about it in this Tell me More Spanish review. To read about more Spanish Learning software check out our learn Spanish reviews.

Monday, November 10, 2008

10 Basic Figures of Speech - An Easy Guide

By Rakesh Ramubhai Patel

The use of figure of speech in creative writing gives ideas or sentiments a unique perspective. It involves a deviation from the more commonly used form of word order or sentence construction. Writers usually employ such figures of speech embellish their composition.

This article is attempted to throw light on various figures of speech that will help you realize how you can craft your writing to meet your expectations.

1. Simile

It is a specific comparison made by means words such as "like" or "as" between two kinds of objects. "Reason is to faith as the eye to the telescope", an example of simile.

2. Metaphor

It uses a word or phrase denoting one kind of idea in place of other word or phrase in order to suggest a likeness between the two.

3. Anticlimax

It involves a series of ideas that suddenly diminish in importance at the end of a sentence or passage. It is used to bring satirical effect.

4. Antithesis

It is a juxtaposition of two words, phrases, clauses, or sentences contrasted in meaning to offer emphasis to contrasting ideas. "To err is human, to forgive divine", is a fine example of antithesis.

5. Climax

It is an arrangement of words, clauses, or sentences in the order of their significance. The least powerful comes first and the others. "It is an outrage to bind a Roman citizen; it is a crime to scourge him; it is almost parricide to kill him; but to crucify him-what shall I say of this?" This particular example rightly tells what climax means.

6. Conceit

It is an elaborate and often extravagant metaphor. It makes an analogy between totally dissimilar things. The term originally means concept or idea. Conceits were widely used in the 17th-century metaphysical poetry. In "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning", John Donne uses it where the image of the joined arms of a pair of compasses is used to demonstrate the attachment of a pair of lovers; even when one makes s move, the two are attached closely being one.

7. Euphemism

It involves substitution of an inoffensive term or phrase for one that has coarse or sordid unpleasant associations, for instance in the use of words like "toilet" for "lavatory", and "pass away" for "die".

8. Hyperbole

It is a form of inordinate exaggeration. It means a person or thing is portrayed as being better or worse than the actual one. For example, "Dr. Jonathan drank his tea in oceans".

9. Irony

It is humorous or lightly sarcastic mode of speech. Words are used here to convey a meaning contrary to their literal meaning.

10. Personification

It involves representation of inanimate or abstract ideas as living beings. The sentence, "Necessity is the mother of invention" can help you make out this idea better.

The close study of these figures of speech will help you understand the sense of crafting your ideas and imagination in creating fine piece of literature, poetry or other mode of writing.

Rakesh Patel, a master degree holder in English literature has been serving as a lecturer for the last five years finds his efficiency in writing on various topics like English literature, education, philosophy and more.

Learn English in Three Top UK Destinations

By James Ong-Fox

Every year thousands of international students travel to England to attend English Courses. For the student it can be a long and tiresome decision to find the best English Course in the best possible English School in the most suitable destination in England. With this article, we hope to make the decision simpler for international students to choose the right English Course at the best English school.

Our first recommendation is London as a place to attend an English Course. London has a mass of different English schools giving the student a huge range to choose from. One of the reasons why we recommend the capital is because it offers so many different English Courses to suit different requirements and expectations. This gives the student the opportunity to find an English Course that suits them perfectly. Attending an English Course at an English School in London provides the student with chances to visit the many awesome tourist and historical sights, enhancing the student's knowledge of English culture and also assisting the student's progress on their English Course. London is arguably the most exciting city in England, offering excellent nightlife as well as shopping experience. Therefore, when the student is not attending their English Course in London, they will have plenty of things to do in their spare time.

Our second recommendation is the seaside city of Eastbourne. It is an incredibly beautiful and calm place with a laid-back attitude and friendly faces everywhere. It offers excellent English Courses. Eastbourne's location is excellent for any student considering attending an English Course. It is within an hours train ride of both London and Brighton. An English Course in Eastbourne would definitely provide the student with a view into laid-back, British country life as well as an accessible portal into the buzz of the exciting cities.

Our final recommendation is the historical town of Salisbury. Salisbury is home to the tallest cathedral in the UK, and is also 750 years old. It is rich in English History and culture, so to attend an English Course in Salisbury in this very British place will help the student not only improve their English, but also improve their knowledge of Britain. It is also home to one of the world's oldest manmade structures: the famous Stonehenge. Not only is Salisbury home to some of the most historical sights Britain has to offer, but it is also home to some of the best English Schools providing some of the best English Courses the UK has to offer.

© 5th November 2008 James Ong-Fox

James Ong-Fox is an experienced worldwide traveller, currently working in TWIN GROUP marketing department, a leading company in education and training. Twin Group offers English courses in London, Eastbourne, and Salisbury, Internships in the UK, summer vacation courses, group travel programmes, language courses worldwide and work & volunteer programmes abroad.

Friday, November 7, 2008

2 Easy Ways to Learn Spanish - The Best Ways to Easily Cut Your Learning Curve in Spanish

By Prescott Hardcastle

Wouldn't you like to learn the Spanish language quickly and with the least amount of hardcore studying as possible?

Learning a second language takes a lot of patience. To tackle anything new requires a healthy commitment of time and energy.

Luckily, there are some great short cuts I want to share with you to help make the learning of a foreign language both enjoyable and fun.

First, I recommend you watch films in English with Spanish subtitles. Fortunately, today's DVD's come with bonus features that include foreign language subtitles. Go to your local rental store and search in their DVD section of "World Cinema" films. Online stores such as Amazon, Blockbuster and Netflix are also fully stocked with many of these films, and at bargain prices.

Another tip is for you to do a search for "Spanish dual-language books" at Amazon. These books are extremely helpful in reviewing your knowledge of Spanish. If you are an intermediate to advanced student of the Spanish language it will help reinforce what you already have learned, it will expand your vocabulary, and open you up to the rich Latin culture.

If you are a beginner, simply select books that are at the level of a young reader. Read a passage in Spanish and then check if you have the correct understanding by then reading the English translation.

Whatever level you are at, films and books will help you develop a deeper understanding of the Spanish language and help you significantly cut your learning curve.

Want to know how to learn Spanish fast all you have to do is click here now.

Learn More From Just a Spanish Program Software Review - Reviews of Rocket Spanish

By Peter O'Reilly

Learning a new language is the common must-haves nowadays. More important is the fact that Spanish is making its way to the queue of the most preferred language to be study. Why? Maybe because of the volume of the Spanish-speaking people. To help you communicate with these Spanish native speakers, try to equip yourself with the basic Spanish course. Spanish software such as Rocket Spanish can help you survive a Spanish conversation. You can read the reviews of Rocket Spanish for more details.

Reviews of Rocket Spanish will tell you how effective it is in teaching you on how to speak Spanish in an easy way. You will learn through the reviews of Rocket Spanish that guarantees it give that learning Spanish is really simple and easy.

What are the things that you may expect to see on the reviews of Rocket Spanish? Look at the examples below:

• Rocket Spanish has lessons that are designed to be naturally understood by someone's mind.

• You will be able not just to speak but to write and read Spanish as well.

• You will be able to learn fast because that's what Rocket Spanish is made for.

• It provides reasons why you need to learn Spanish language.

• The satisfaction of the people who have already tried this software.

Reviews of Rocket Spanish will push further to realize that it will give you a satisfactory result. Since this software is hot in the market, you won't have hard time searching for reviews of Rocket Spanish.

Best Spanish courses that you can use to learn Spanish at home reviewed. These courses come with software programs to make your learning process easier. 4 from 5 people that use these courses learn and master Spanish in less than 8 weeks.

Do you know that Spanish can be one of the hardest language to learn, if you don't have the right resources? Best Spanish at home courses reviewed. These courses even have tests of what you've learned.

Beginner's Guide For an Online Spanish Study - Beginner Learning Spanish Online

By Peter O'Reilly

Language also means knowledge. The way you speak your mind signifies what you know and who you are. The way you deliver your message shows if you are the kind of person with sense. The power of language therefore comes vital especially under the roof of business and academic setting.

Since language exhibits a great impact, some people would want to widen their skill by learning foreign language. For a start, it will be practical for them to get acquainted first with a language that they can possibly use. One of those languages that come in handy is Spanish.

On your first step to study a language, perhaps you could do warm up via online. Beginner learning Spanish online can give you a preliminary background on what you are about to study. As a beginner learning Spanish online, you can gradually prepare your mind for a more comprehensive, yet fun lessons.

What is also good for a beginner learning Spanish online is that you can study Spanish whenever you want or whenever your mind becomes ready to be fed. You won't be pressured, therefore allowing your mind to be fully geared up before it starts to function. And to give you what you actually need as beginner learning Spanish online, software are available to be purchased. Since they are in the market, rest assured that some of them is in a complete package.

The beginner learning Spanish online must be careful in choosing the right software. Look at the reviews allotted for them so that you can fully enjoy the fun, fast, and easy way of learning Spanish.

Best Spanish courses that you can use to learn Spanish at home reviewed. These courses come with software programs to make your learning process easier. 4 from 5 people that use these courses learn and master Spanish in less than 8 weeks.

Do you know that Spanish can be one of the hardest language to learn, if you don't have the right resources? Best Spanish at home courses reviewed. These courses even have tests of what you've learned.

Learn German Your Way - German Class is Optional

By Max Sprechen

There are many ways to learn German. About all classes and instructional courses can only take you so far in the German language, however. The more you participate in learning German outside the class room, the more quickly and solidly will you learn how to speak German. A good German class (whether high school, college or adult class) with a good teacher can give you a solid foundation on grammar and important words. If your class isn't teaching you important basic German skills such as the present, past and future tenses of verbs and the grammatical cases of nouns, pronouns and adjectives then its not doing you very much good.

If you really want to learn how to speak German well, I recommend that you don't depend on the class as your primary means to learn German. I honestly believe that learning German is something you do on your own and you can use the German class as a tool to help you make it over difficult areas and to answer questions. I can say this from experience. I took an adult class the first month I started to learn German, but then had to quit it because I was moving. So, I kept the text book and just learned out of the book and practiced with a neighbor who was a native German. In my experience I really did not need a class at all.

Now, I'm not putting down on German classes. In my case, a year later I signed up for the Goethe Institut (a good German language institute) in Munich, Germany. I took an entrance test and placed myself in the first intermediate level - not bad, huh, for learning German a year on my own! However, I discovered that even when I was at the Geothe Institut I learned most of my German getting out around Munich, meeting people, talking with Germans. There's nothing more fun than learning German this way.

So, there are many different ways to learn how to speak German and all can be good. High School and college classes usually cover the basics, unless you are getting a masters degree. There are also excellent, but expensive institutions like the Goethe Institut, which has branches in North America and Germany. If you are determined to learn German in Germany, you may look into various German universities. Many of them have German language courses for foreigners and are inexpensive. Just a couple of the universities who offer "Deutsch als Fremdsprache" courses are the University of Freiburg and the University of Tubingen.

Making the Translator's Tough Job Easier

By D Sarig

Translation is a difficult field. Translators are often required to develop an expertise in the subject matter they are translating. It is common to find translators working under tight schedules, and occasionally required to adhere to their customer's writing standard, which is at times problematic.

Translation is a process of continuous selection. The translator chooses from vocabulary alternatives and from various grammar structures, in order to find the words and syntax that best fit the source text. This has to be done while being true to the meaning and language style of the source, and at the same time create the impression that the target language text was originally written in that language.

This indeed is a complex task. It requires excellent language skills, it requires knowledge of the translated subject matter, and it requires a sense of understanding about the required style for the final material.

But there is more to it than that. More and more translators are now required to translate web pages. Unlike standard text translation, web page translation involves additional complexity. The visualization of the original web page with all of its links, add another complexity dimension to the translation challenge. A simple sentence such as "New to this service? Sign up for free", where the words "Sign up" are a link, could become a translation challenge for some languages.

The order of the elements in the sentence may vary between language, so the translator is now required to modify the HTML web design because the link may need to appear at the beginning or the end and not in the middle.

Website translation involves three disciplines: The content writer, the translator, and the web designer. This makes the translation challenge even more difficult, as it entails another level of dependency and collaboration.

New services are available, including one at, which provides translators the means to create multilingual content without a need for web design skills. It enables translators to receive website HTML content, and allows them to provide translation in HTML format, keeping the original visualization constraints. This mechanism creates new job opportunities for freelance translators enabling them to provide a complete translation service, including website content translation.

D. Sarig - multilingual blogging and embedding & freelance translation portal.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Importance of Foreign Language Study - Why Study a Foreign Language?

By Stephanie Tekrider

With so many people throughout the world able to speak English, it's easy to understand why some might question the importance of foreign language study for native English speakers. I spent a few years living in Japan and many of my Japanese friends would express jealousy over the fact that I grew up speaking such a "useful language".

Still, there are many reasons why English speakers should consider studying a foreign language:

1. Your job prospects. The world is becoming increasingly smaller, as the internet allows people to connect from anywhere in the world. Speaking a foreign language can help y ou to get a job with a company that does business outside of English-speaking countries. You may even be given the opportunity to live abroad.

2. It fosters cultural understanding. When you study a foreign language, you don't just learn the language. You learn about a country's people, culture, and traditions. Understanding the differences between your own and another's culture is a great way to foster a more cooperative spirit.

3. You can travel more easily. While it's true that people of many different countries speak at least basic English, this isn't always the case. Speaking the language when you visit a foreign country makes for a much better experience. Even if a person does speak English, you'll find that you get better service and help when you try to speak the native language.

4. You can make new friends. Speaking more than one language means that you are able to interact with a broader range of people. You can use the internet to find "email friends", connecting with people across the globe. You can also find homestay or cultural exchange programs that allow you to directly experience another culture or share yours with someone different.

5. You'll exercise your brain. Whether young or old, everyone's brain needs a good workout now and then. Learning a foreign language can help you work on a variety of different skills-listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This easily increases your brainpower and makes you a smarter person overall.

6. You can learn discipline. Foreign language study often requires a high level of discipline if you want to do it right. You can easily take these skills and transfer them to any number of projects.

Studying a foreign language takes patience and hard work, but you can succeed. Click here to learn about improving your study skills.

Speak Spanish Online - The Best Way to Easily Learn Conversational Spanish at Home

By Prescott Hardcastle

Spanish is one the most widely spoken languages in the world and one of the world's fastest growing languages, as well. It is not surprising that a lot of people would like to learn it.

Thankfully the Internet is a phenomenal tool that you can take advantage of to learn to speak Spanish like a native speaker.

Although good textbooks and live instruction were useful in the past, I have found that the process of mastering the Spanish language can be accelerated by enrolling in a good online Spanish course that takes advantage of modern technology.

Learning any language takes time and nowadays people are opting out of driving to weekly Spanish classes given how busy schedules are getting today. That's one reason for choosing to learn online.

The other reason, and this was huge for me, was that I wanted a lot of one-on-one practice with conversational Spanish. And surprisingly, this can be accomplished with voice recognition software that is built into the very best online courses available today.

With a headset and microphone, these courses are now equipped to recognize and correct your pronunciation. Simply speak into your computer microphone and watch your "score" on the screen change as you self-correct your pronunciation.

Online courses for learning Spanish that include this feature stand out above all the others. So, look for a course with a rich variety of course content, packed with features, and one that works on your conversational skills. Mastering language theory is not good if you are weak in the spoken word of the language! And certainly, look for one that is competitive priced.

Grasping the spoken word can be the most difficult part of learning the language. But the best course I have found makes this incredibly fun and was very useful for improving my conversational Spanish as well as my overall Spanish skills.

I am here to tell you that you can find a lot of quality courses online, but in terms of value for you money; there are only one or two excellent ones that rise to the very top!

If you are ready to find the best way to Speak Spanish Online all you have to do is Click Here.

A Useless Guide of Conversation

By Pierre Alexander

Pragmatic linguists J.L. Austin and J.R. Searle published in the late seventies / early eighties a couple of studies introducing the Speech Act theory, which basically says that the act of speaking isn't neutral and cannot be analyzed without a close regard to the context. "To speak is to do" is their common motto.

Speaking then not only leads to action (like when you tell me to piss off, and so I leave) but is an action in itself (like when a judge declares the trial "open", which indeed starts the trial).

A Danish student of that time, whose minds were disturbed by a sentimental break-up and the sudden discovery of his being Danish, fell in love with this theory. He spent hours and hours by the seashore of Helsingor, smoking dope and drinking liquor, trying to find out how to put it into practice. Soothed by the winds of the Nordic bay, he eventually came up with the idea of a multilingual conversation guide linking words with action, and providing the reader with a linguistic answer to every single situation of communication.

Here are some quotes of his (unfinished) book:

"Imagine yourself in an automatic laundery in Poland waiting in front of a washing machine. Someone comes and asks you whether the machine is reliable. You're not sure about that, but you don't want the guy to take alarm on too fragile ground. Then just say: mniej wiecej"

"You're in Japan in a swimming pool and you realize that your swimsuit is too short and all the girls laugh when you go pass them. You want to apologize to them but in the same time make them see the good side of it since that made them look at you. Then simply say: Gomen nasai, Kega shimashiya"

"Your apartment is being robbed in Istanbul while you're in bed, and you want the burglars to spare your life and leave behind the bud vase you sister offered you when you were 17. Go for: Seni seviyor ozluyorum (Prononciation: seni seviYOR euzlUyoroum)"

The list is of course endless, but the most tragic part of it is that the guy is still standing by the seashore, a pen in hand, waiting for some gentle soul to put an end to his misery.

Pierre Alexander

Speak German Well by Using Certain Tricks to Learning German

By Max Sprechen

I started out at point zero learning German. I was a "newbie" beginner in the German language and at some point along the way I noticed that I could speak and read some German. When I look back I can see what I did right and did wrong. The day, six years ago, I bought a German-only dictionary and stopped using my English-German dictionary was the day my knowledge of German skyrocketed. For a while, I would have to constantly have that dictionary with me to be able to complete a story or newspaper article in German (The dictionary really got worn out). Now I just look at the dictionary on the shelf collecting dust. Of course I still use it occasionally, but I don't need it to read through a German newspaper or book. When I'm finished reading something, then I may look up a word or two.

Using a German-only dictionary is one of many tricks to learning German - but that is for more advanced German linguists. If you are starting out in German, then its important to just get the feel for the language and how to speak German. Find some German text and read a few paragraphs or pages out loud, preferably to your teacher, or someone else who knows German. It doesn't matter if you understand the words, this practice will just help you get used to feeling and hearing the language.

Learning to speak German works like osmosis. When you learn German each and every day the German will start to sink in. So, try not to miss a day. Another great trick is just to get English out of your mind. When you learn nouns and verbs don't start thinking "Hmmm, what does this mean in English". Let English be English and German be German. There are some things I say in German which I don't even know how to say in English.

So when learning to speak German, think like a German and don't be in a rush to learn it all too quickly. I hope these inside tips and tricks to learning German will give you a little boost to your German language skills. These tricks come from my real experience and helped me discover that learning German did not have to be a difficult undertaking.

The best part about learning German is that the process can be a fun and adventurous experience. When you are learning German you can experience a very wonderful and rich culture and you'll realize that this culture has had a strong influence on a large part of the world. Many of the children's fairy tales we grew up with have German origins. Classical music composers such as Mozart, Wagner and Bach were German. Of course, I don't have to mention the German auto industry or German food, wines and beer. Now with the age of the internet, learning German is not reduced to sitting in a stale classroom. Internet courses, such as, make learning German quick, fun and easy. Then, once you have nailed down the basics of German, I recommend you do what I did and go spend a few weeks or months in a German-speaking country and start enjoying all the richness and beauty of everything German. Herzlichen Glückwunsch beim Deutschlernen!

Reading German - A Great Way to Learn Effective German

By Max Sprechen

Reading German is one of the most effective ways to learn German. Without reading German you will not go very far. So I hope reading is one of your favorite pastimes. Reading German will be a constant process throughout the German learning process. To constantly increase your German language skills you will need to read German in all levels - beginner, intermediate and advanced. Reading German is so effective, because it will help you to understand German words, which in turn will improve your ability to hear and speak German.

But don't fret too much about all this reading you have to do. Fortunately, the choice of the reading material is entirely up to you. I would only like to suggest that your material for reading German be your favorite topic, your favorite interest. When you read on your favorite interests, reading German can become a pleasure you look forward to. For instance, I like politics and history, so I may choose articles on German political parties or Frederick the Great for my German reading. Also, as soon as you can, use a German-only dictionary. Learning the definition of words in German, not your mother tongue, will help you German language skills to take-off!

Reading German can also help beginners really move out of the gate. I recommend easy reading for beginners. If you try reading material over your head it can lead to frustration and giving up on German and we don't won't that. I can tell you what my reading was when I was a beginner. I read children's books and fairy-tales - that's right. The grammar and vocabulary is easy - you got to walk before you can run. I have to tell you about one of the stories I read, because it was so enjoyable. It is called Krabat by Otfried Preußler and was an enchanting and wonderful story. It was the 1972 German children's book prize winner and you can still find it on Amazon. (By the way, ignore the poorly-translated English title, its very inaccurate!)

There are some imperatives in the process of learning German and one of those is reading German. You just can't skimp on it. Its on the top of the list of important ways to learn effective German. When I started to learn German, it seemed like a difficult language that I wasn't getting the hang of too well. Then I decided to get some things to read in German and a whole new world opened up to me. That's when I got going.

The best part about learning German is that the process can be a fun and adventurous experience. When you are learning German you can experience a very wonderful and rich culture and you'll realize that this culture has had a strong influence on a large part of the world. Many of the children's fairy tales we grew up with have German origins. Classical music composers such as Mozart, Wagner and Bach were German. Of course, I don't have to mention the German auto industry or German food, wines and beer. Now with the age of the internet, learning German is not reduced to sitting in a stale classroom. Internet courses, such as, make learning German quick, fun and easy. Then, once you have nailed down the basics of German, I recommend you do what I did and go spend a few weeks or months in a German-speaking country and start enjoying all the richness and beauty of everything German. Herzlichen Glückwunsch beim Deutschlernen!

Basic German Skills for the Best Way to Learn German

By Max Sprechen

Getting down the basic German skills is the best way to learn German. I've been learning German for 20 years now and to me the basic German skills are:

  1. Knowing nouns
    • the definite article for each noun - whether its der, die or das
    • the plural form of the noun

  2. knowing verbs
    • how to conjugate them
    • their past and future forms

  3. knowing the grammar - German sentences behave differently from English sentences and you have to get used to putting verbs at the end of sentences, capitalizing nouns, etc.

One of the most important basic German skills is to understand that nouns and pronouns change, depending on how they are used in a sentence. Its somewhat similar in English:

  • He gave me the book
  • I gave him the hammer
"He" and "I" became "him" and "me" when they received the action of the verb. These are the nominative and dative cases, respectively. In these sentences, the book and the hammer are in the accusative cases. Here are these same sentences in German:
  • Er gab mir das Buch
  • Ich gab ihm den Hammer

You will notice that the pronouns and definite articles change in the different cases. "Ich" and "er" in the nominative are "mir" and "ihm" in the dative.

If you are learning basic German skills, try to get down these basic areas. If they seem difficult at first, just take your time, look up how to conjugate different German verbs and especially research what it means for words to be in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases. This is something you must know to progress to higher German skills.

I have discovered since I started learning German that understanding these basic German skills always comes in handy. Even 20 years later I still come across some difficult sentences and the best way to understand them is to break them down into their basic, separate components. Nailing down these basic German skills is the best way to learn German because you will fall back on them time and again as you continue to learn German.

The best part about learning German is that the process can be a fun and adventurous experience. When you are learning German you can experience a very wonderful and rich culture and you'll realize that this culture has had a strong influence on a large part of the world. Many of the children's fairy tales we grew up with have German origins. Classical music composers such as Mozart, Wagner and Bach were German. Of course, I don't have to mention the German auto industry or German food, wines and beer. Now with the age of the internet, learning German is not reduced to sitting in a stale classroom. Internet courses, such as, make learning German quick, fun and easy. Then, once you have nailed down the basics of German, I recommend you do what I did and go spend a few weeks or months in a German-speaking country and start enjoying all the richness and beauty of everything German. Herzlichen Glückwunsch beim Deutschlernen!


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