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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Can I Take a Spanish Language Class on My Computer?

By Noah M. Benjamin

Considering taking a Spanish language class yourself, or sending your child through one? You are doing yourself a huge favor by reading this article.

The Spanish language provides many opportunities. For adults, there are job, social, and vacation benefits. For children, research has proven that knowing a second language improves test scores and memory retention.

But the problem is that most people completely fail when they try and learn a new language!

This is strange because the human brain is wired to easily pick up new languages -- if the right methods are used.

Unfortunately, most Spanish courses are completely ineffective and only make the student despise the language learning process.

How The Brain Prefers To Learn A New Language

I want you to think of a newborn baby.

That newborn baby comes into this world with no language knowledge. That newborn baby is unable to take any language classes.

Yet, by age 2, that newborn baby is speaking its first language.

This is because the baby has naturally gone through the human brain's preferred method of learning. This is the method of language immersion.

What Is Language Immersion?

Language immersion means surrounding yourself with a subject, and letting your brain subconsciously pick it up and learn it.

The human brain is wired to subconsciously identify puzzles and solve them. This is how we learn any new habit. Language is just another "puzzle" for the brain.

Properly utilizing language immersion means very little study is involved -- the brain does all the work for you.

(I mean, if a baby can do it, you can too, right?)

Why Traditional Spanish Language Classes Fail

I grew up in California, where everyone is required to spend at least three years learning a language in high school.

I can count on one hand the number of my friends who still know any little bit of the language they learned in high school.

Three years learning a language, and they can't speak a word of it today! That's ridiculous!

I'm not even able to count how many of my friends couldn't wait to be done with language learning in high school.

This is because most high schools use the "traditional" language learning process of studying -- breaking down -- every little idea.

There is very little immersion involved! All that's involved is making the student exhausted, and making him hate the learning process.

What Solutions Are There?

Make sure any Spanish language class you or your child takes is one that utilizes immersion techniques.

Consider using software and audio programs to help learn Spanish as well. There are a number of great and inexpensive programs available that utilize immersion techniques.

Either way, if you're thinking of taking a Spanish language class or enrolling your child in one, make sure it features language immersion!

Cheap travel, amazing food, wonderful people...

No more excuses!

Follow my advice and learn Spanish in just a few short weeks using the methods that researchers and thousands of others have proven to just WORK

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