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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Can You Really Start Speaking Chinese Without Stumbling Using These 10 Tips and Tricks?

By David T. Johnson

If you try to imitate how real Chinese people speak, more or less you would find yourself stammering over your words. However, this should not hinder you from continuing your venture on learning a new language. To help you out, here are 10 tips and trick on how you can speak Chinese without stumbling.

Tip #1: Get A Tutor

Learning this language by the book can be pretty hard. This is because the whole language system is based on the intonation of each syllable. Hence, you should be able to hear how each syllable should be pronounced. Merely reading cannot guarantee that you have the right pronunciation for that syllable or word that you are saying.

Tip #2: Watch Chinese Movies

Chinese movies that have English subtitles are one great way to practice the language. Here you can sharpen your listening skills, so that you can learn to discriminate more of the differences in syllable pronunciation.

Tip #3: Listen To Chinese Music

Try listening to Chinese music. If you feel that you are having a hard time pronouncing Chinese statements, then try singing them. If you can, try learning one Chinese song. Pick out a piece that is quite upbeat and not boring. In this way the tunes can be your guide in remembering the words.

Tip #4: Talk To A Friend

It would be a lot easier if you will learn a new language with a friend. In this way you can practice with each other. If you already have a partner to learn the language with, then keep on practicing with him/her.

Tip #5: Greet Everyone!

If you try greeting someone 'Hello' or 'Hi', then why not greet them by saying 'Ni Hao' instead? Try substituting your constant greetings like 'good morning', 'good evening', 'good bye' and 'thank you' with their Chinese counterparts. This can be a good practice too.

Tip #6: Teach Someone

When you learn a new word, phrase or sentence, teach it to someone else. Try teaching it to your younger sibling or other family member. Teaching new information that you just acquired is one way to effectively retain it.

Tip #7: Talk To Yourself

If you do not have anyone to practice with, it is all right. Go and find a mirror then talk to yourself in Chinese. Do it just like how you would when you will be practicing a speech in front of a mirror. This also helps in improving your comfort in speaking the language.

Tip #8: Label Your Surroundings

If possible, place labels with the Chinese names of different objects in your house. You can also do this for specific rooms. In this way, it's not only you who can learn but also other people in the house. You can then practice some basic statements in which you can use the labels in.

Tip #9: Imitate!

Imitation is one way for you to adapt easily to a non-native tongue. If you expect to be watching Chinese movies, try imitating one of the actors/actress' lines. Imitate how they say it. Be sure that you catch the correct accent and pronunciation for the statement.

Tip #10: Don't Be Shy

The biggest problem faced by majority of non-native students learning Chinese is shyness. Do not be shy when speaking out the words. Chinese is a very nasal language. Hence, it is okay to sound a bit nasal if you are speaking it. Do not be too conscious of the people around you.

I hope you take these tips and use them and soon you will be speaking Chinese in no time at all.

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