If you want to learn Spanish free online, you'll have to have some patience. It will be frustrating at first, but following my methods, you will pick up the language in no time. It took me less than two months utilizing this method to learn Spanish.
We learned language as children by forcing ourselves to understand what was going on. Someone would ask us if we wanted an Apple, and over time, we figured out what an Apple was, and what "to want" meant. You need to the same thing to learn Spanish.
Build a base in Spanish using a good piece of Spanish language learning software. Admittedly, this is not free, but it will save you MONTHS of your time. Is $100 worth tens of hours of your time? Using a good piece of Spanish language learning software that IMMERSES you in the language, you can build a base in Spanish in two weeks if you really apply yourself.
Now on to the free lessons. First, DO NOT visit "learn Spanish free online" web sites. Their lesson plans will be ineffective for you simply because they involve MEMORIZING words and phrases, rather than forcing you to USE words and phrases in sentences to learn them. These web sites do not immerse you -- they force feed you, and this will result in you not really learning anything. Trust me.
Using your base of Spanish, you need to simply find Spanish web sites with very simple language -- news papers online, children's web sites, and so on -- and just read through them! Use a free online translator tool to translate sentences you don't understand, and then STUDY THOSE SENTENCES!
After two or three weeks of doing this, you will find yourself understanding much of the Spanish that you read. After two months of doing this, you will be understanding almost everything.
This is a way to learn Spanish free online, and trust me, it works. Build a base with a good piece of Spanish software, and then go out there and get READING for two weeks. You will be surprised with the results!
You can teach yourself Spanish quickly and easily, with the right resources. Find out what the top language students use to quickly pick up new languages. |
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