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Friday, September 26, 2008

The German Language is Easy

By Preston Lore

The German language is possibly one of the easiest languages to learn for a native English speaker. Many words in both languages share similar roots and sounds, and it's often possible to take an English sentence and directly translate it to German, and vice versa.

Possibly the hardest part of learning German is in the beginning when choosing what teaching methods will be most effective. There are colleges, freelance tutors, movies, and books that can assist in learning, but if you're not living in a German speaking country, the chances of success are slim unless you spend hours and hours studying every day. A new method of learning German, and other languages for that matter, is through computer software products. These can be instantly downloaded from the internet, and provide a lot of content. Users just spend time each day going through the interactive lessons step-by-step, word-by-word. This software is often accompanied by audio CDs or MP3s, which means that one can totally immerse themselves in the language wherever they are. In the car, at the gym, or when sitting in the kitchen having breakfast!

Learning German using computer software is very similar to learning from a private tutor. The software includes flash cards for better word retention, and even teaches how to pronounce words perfectly using audio files. Using this method, there is more of a chance that you will blend in with the locals, instead of sounding like a complete "Auslander" (foreigner). It is important to check which type of learn German software is right for your level. There are plenty of options available for beginners and intermediates alike.

If you would like to know more about the German language, check out this Learn German Fast site, which has some great product reviews and advice.

Preston Lore is an energetic and original writer with a passion for music, politics, geography, history, entrepreneurship, and business. He updates his product review site regularly at

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