It is often hard not to pick up an accent while visiting other countries. This is often our way of showing our appreciation of the other countries way of speaking or just to fit in. While in Canada, all of the sudden you end your sentences with "ay". In Britain you pick up the accent of those around you whether it be Cockney or not. Even staying within the United States you can go from the southern draw to the bit more harsh sounding Brooklyn accent. Of course, an accent is only present in the way another person talks. When you are from an area, you all sound the same so there is no accent.
One distinct speech pattern that is known worldwide due to the explosion of the Reggae music movement is Jamaican Patois also known as Creole. When visiting Jamaica resorts you will hear a variety of different speech patterns within Creole depending on how formal the Jamaican person wants to be. It is just like everywhere else in the world, when you are talking to your friends you use a language different than when you are talking to a business person. For the sake of tourism, you may hear what you expect to hear which would be less formal than the business language but more formal than friend to friend language.
It also depends on where you are on the island. At Jamaica all inclusive resorts you may hear a more formal Creole than something less upscale. You may find while on the beach with locals you will hear every form of Creole. While in town shopping, the shop keepers would probably use even less of the dialect unless they are trying to use it for show. It is often not an easy language to understand if you don't have the ear for it.
So what do you say when enjoying your Jamaica all-inclusive vacations, you say whatever comes to mind because the language everyone speaks is English. Speaking is not the fun part, listening is.
When visiting Jamaica resorts listen to the language of the various people you meet. When booking your visit to Jamaica all inclusive resorts on the web at SuperClubs, you probably won't get a flavor of the language spoken on the island. However, when on one of your Jamaica all-inclusive vacations you will fully grasp the colorful language as you explore the island. |
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