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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Spanish For Kids

By Noah M. Benjamin

Spanish for kids is a very important subject in my household! What most parents don't know is that young children can learn languages much easier than adults. Most research on the development of the human brain shows that, as the brain is in its earliest growing phases, it is able to retain and figure out patterns much easier. And that is exactly how the brain sees another language, like Spanish: as a set of patterns to pick up and learn!

Think about how a child learns his or her very first language. They don't get formal training. They just surround themselves with the language 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. After only two years, they are conversational in that language.

The exact same language immersion techniques work for a child's second language, as well!

My kids are still in elementary school. What I try to do with them is play games, using computer software although physical flash cards will work just fine, and I try to make learning Spanish words fun for them. This makes them excited to learn the language.

I took about two months a while back to really immerse myself in Spanish, and I became conversational in the language in that short time. So now, I also just speak to my kids in Spanish. Instead of asking them, "Can you give me the salt?" I ask them, "Puedes darme la sal?"

Along with flash cards, simply talking to your kids periodically in Spanish will help them learn the language. Try simply using Spanish words for common items:

apple = la manzana

orange = la naranja

video games = las videojuegas

dinner = la cena

Invite your children to "la cena," but don't tell them what it means. When they show up for dinner, ask them how they're enjoying "la cena." Let their minds figure out the puzzle.

Make Spanish for kids a priority in your house, and make it FUN, and you'll get huge rewards from it.

The top-performing students in American schools today are bilingual. Find out for FREE how to get your child on the same path to success learning Spanish.

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