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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Learn Basic Chinese

By Anastacia Huang

With the booming of Chinese economy and culture, many people starts to learn basic Chinese. There are so many Chinese dialects used in each individual provinces or countries and so which are the most commonly used dialects? The most commonly used dialects that can be understood by most Chinese is actually Mandarin.

Mandarin is widely used in countries like China, Taiwan, Hong kong, Singapore or Malaysia. Hence, knowing how to speak Mandarin will help greatly for anybody who work there or even occasional travels to those countries. This will solve the difficulties when it comes to communicating with one another.

Here are some of the very simple phrases for you to learn basic Chinese

Ni Hao Ma (How are you?)This is a very suitable greeting for first time meeting or people whom you have not met long time ago.

Wo Ai Ni (I Love You)Wo Ai Ni is a romantic sentence that you may want to say it to your love ones.

Xie Xie (Thank You)A polite term of expressing your appreciation towards something a person had done for you.

Du Bu Qi (Sorry)When you have done something not right or making anyone angry, it is best to say "Du Bu Qi".

Zai Jian (Good Bye or see you again)A greeting that is used to say good bye or see that person another time.

Ming Tian (Tomorrow)It means the next day. If you are seeing that person tomorrow, you may like to say "Ming Tian Zai Jian" (See you tomorrow)

Did you have fun with the above phrases? Learning Chinese can be easy and interesting too. Learn Basic Chinese for a perfect communication with the Chinese. Who say non-chinese can't speak or understand chinese? Impress Your Chinese Language in 2 months time!

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