Want to know the fastest way to learn Spanish? It's not through textbooks or surrounding yourself with Spanish speakers. The quickest method for learning Spanish is to use a tried and tested memory technique to memorize words fast.
The method I am going to show you was popularized by a man named Harry Lorayne. He is one of those memory experts that can stand in a room full of hundreds of people and memorize all their names by snapping his fingers.
The things that Mr. Lorayne discovered about memory can have you speaking Spanish faster than you ever thought possible.
The technique I am going to show you is referred to by different names, but often as "association" or "linking".
There are three simple steps that you need to follow to remember any Spanish word:
1. Pick the word you want to memorize
2. Choose a word link
3. Think about the word and link for 10 seconds
That's it!
Let's try it out.
1. Pick the word you want to memorize
Let's use the word "arma" as an example. This word means "weapon" and is pronounced "ah - mah".
2. Choose a word link
Here we just make a link between the Spanish word and something else. Something that sounds like the word. "arma" sounds like the English word "armour". So we can make a link between these things by imagining "Attaching weapons to your ARMOUR".
3. Think about the word and link for 10 seconds
Now think about our word link: "Attach weapons to your ARMOUR" for 10 seconds while repeating the word ARMA to yourself.
Now we're all done. I bet you won't forget the Spanish word for weapons now!
To learn 100 Spanish words in the next hour, using the fastest way to learn Spanish, visit http://www.SpeakSpanishFast.org |
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