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Friday, October 3, 2008

Children's Spanish - The Secrets of Teaching a Child Spanish Effectively

By Noah M. Benjamin

The best decision a parent can make is to invest in their children's Spanish education.

Knowing a second language like Spanish provides nothing but benefits for a child. Among the proven advantages are:

Better retention of learning materials

Higher scores on standardized tests, like the SAT

Social opportunities

In my opinion, all children should be at least bilingual simply because as our economy becomes more globalized in the 21st century, knowing more than one language will become a necessity for success.

In order for your child to learn Spanish, though, you had better look into the latest research on language learning.

Many parents put their children through formal language training, which only makes them hate it and never want to pursue it. There is a much better way.

How To "Teach The Brain" Spanish

If you follow the most effective techniques of language learning, you'll find you're not really teaching your children Spanish. You're actually teaching their brain.

Let me explain.

The most effective forms of language learning are mostly subconscious. There is very little conscious work involved.

Think of when your child was a baby. She came into the world not knowing a word of any language (duh), and never received any formal language training in a school (double duh).

Yet, by age two, she was able to speak English.

How was this possible? Through a process called "immersion".

She was surrounded -- immersed -- in the language all day and all night. Her brain, which is wired to pick up patterns and solve them, worked to figure out this language.

And, clearly, it worked just fine.

The human brain is actually designed to naturally pick up patterns like these and solve them. This process works at its peak from ages 0 to 12.

"Immersion" is the process children should be following to learn their second language, as well.

How To Teach Your Children Spanish

So now you understand how the brain best learns a new language. How do you use this process with your child?

You don't have to surround them with Spanish 24/7.

Just speak to them in Spanish whenever possible!

If you don't know Spanish, don't worry. It's very easy to pick up Spanish basics in about a week or two, and from there, you can follow the same learning process your child is. In fact, your child will prefer this.

I know many parents who made sure their baby sitter only spoke Spanish to their child. As a result, their child is now bilingual.

This process doesn't involve any work on the child's part. It's all subconscious! Just immerse your child in Spanish, and the brain will do the rest of the work.

Investing in your children's Spanish is the best decision a parent can make. Use the best techniques and your child will excel.

The top-performing students in American schools today are bilingual. Find out for FREE how to get your child on the same path to success learning Spanish.

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