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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Spanish Language Roots - Tracing Spanish Back to Roman Times

By Anthony Hendriks

Spanish language roots can be traced back to Roman times. Spanish is the fourth largest spoken language in the world. It is becoming increasingly important in the United States as the Latin communities grow there. Learning Spanish has become very important for American companies looking to market to the Spanish community.

Spanish is a very old language that can be traced back to Roman times. Latin was the spoken and written language of the Roman Empire. The empire was very large however and covered most of the known world. During the 3rd century, the Roman Empire was invaded by the Visigoths. These barbarians came from the area we now know as Germany.

There was an attempt to translate the Visigoth language into Latin. Slowly, Vulgar Latin, a mix of Latin and Visigoth, grew out of the Visigoth area of the Roman Empire. Vulgar Latin is the mother of all the Romance Languages that we know today. These include:

• Spanish

• Portuguese

• French

• Italian

• Romanian

During the 4th to 7th centuries the Visigoths invaded and occupied what we know now as Spain. This is where Vulgar Latin was truly born. Modern Spanish can be dated back to the conquest of Moorish Spain by Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon. Spanish is spoken today by more than 332 million people around the world. Spanish was spread throughout the world as Spain explored and conquered distant lands with naval exploration. Mexico and the America's are some examples of this exploration and the simulation of the Spanish language.

Software packages you can run on your computer can make learning Spanish easy. Learning Spanish can be fun and is very important for anyone who is in sales or the customer service industry. Spanish speaking people now make up a huge part of the world economy. Now is the time to learn Spanish and it has never been easier.

If you would like to review some of the best Spanish learning software packages available to learn Spanish, visit You will also find some interesting language trivia and learning tips and resources on the site. See you there!

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