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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

3 Basics Techniques to Help You Learn a Language

By Nate Portney

As a baby we are born knowing no languages. None. People always forget that they had to learn their home tongue just like they will have to if they want to learn any other. It's not a subconscious skill we are born with I'm afraid. We learned it off our parents, their friends, school and maybe even the TV, OK definitely the TV. This is a good thing though, it proves that it's not so hard to learn a language, you have done it before why can't you do it again? Learning another language is one of the most popular wishes people have. We try, we get bored or we laugh too much at the man with the funny mustache, yes we've all done it but learning a second language can be one of the most exciting, fulfilling and useful skills anyone could have. Translators are always in demand!

So what's next? Where do we start? How do we get started?

Step one is choosing your language. This is a massive step. Most people know what language they want to learn even starting. You will probably have an affinity towards a certain language or culture and that'll be what you want to learn. Great. Bare that in mind, but remember, some languages ARE more useful than others. Chinese for example would be incredibly useful to know the way the world is going. Spanish is always great as a great deal of countries speak it.

Step number two, selecting the write book. Selecting the write book to learn your language can be a massive challenge. It's all too easy to get caught up in the excitement of it all and just pick the first that comes to hand. Don't judge them all by their covers! We all do it but a cover with a picture of a sexy Italian lady (or man) means nothing I'm afraid. The best way to get a better idea on what book will suit you and your learning style is to get some reviews. Now this doesn't mean, go ask your friends what book they found most useful. We need quantitative data. Where do we get this? Online of course! A great start is to visit a store online and read as many reviews left by people as possible, only then can you make your choice. Remember, book comparison websites are going to be the cheapest place for you to find whichever book you finally decide on.

Step number three. Go to a night class. I know the thought of going back to school probably makes you feel feint but a night class is different. Immersing yourself in that language is always the best way to learn it. Everyone has a friend who learnt how to speak Spanish in a few months whilst living there don't they? Exactly. Going to a night class is the next best thing. All these people will have the same goal and unlike school they are all here to help each other. Night classes also regularly organise visits to your chosen country, usually a few times a year so there are always benefits. Much more fun than just sitting in your damp, dark study by yourself!

Above all else remember that learning a second language is supposed to be fun. The key to learning it really is enjoying yourself. If you find yourself annoyed, angry or grumpy whilst trying to learn just forget it for the night. Remember what you love about the country, whether that requires a visit to the local opera or some sushi that's a small price to pay. You'll soon be back on the right road.

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